New Blue Sun

André 3000 New Blue Sun Album Review

Andre 3000 Playing the flute in New Blue Sun Album Cover
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November 21, 2023

André 3000's "New Blue Sun" diverges starkly from his rap roots, venturing into the territories of ambient jazz in an extended instrumental homage that features rich flute harmonies. This 87-minute album strays from familiar rhythmic foundations, weaving together serene melodies and turbulent harmonics that showcase the artist's bold foray into new creative expressions.

In André 3000's inaugural solo album "New Blue Sun," the eclectic artist diverges from his expected lyrical prowess to deliver an 87-minute exploration of ambient jazz and new-age flute melodies. This project stands out as a significant shift from André's previous work, displaying the personal evolution of a revered hip-hop artist into a tranquil flutist. The album, featuring eight extended tracks, unfolds as a collective musical endeavour. Each composition entrusts patients with elemental tunes, moving from gentle flute lines to more aggressive percussive rhythms.

Emanating from the vibrant Los Angeles scene, the album benefits from the shared influences and connections among a tight-knit group of artists. André's approach is not that of a typical jazz bandleader but offers a harmonious blend into the backdrop of sounds provided by collaborators like Nate Mercereau and Surya Botofasina. The sound is rich in varied instrumentation, embracing everything from soft hums and reflective whistles to profound woodwind passages, guiding the listener through an auditory experience that merges tranquility with barely veiled tension.

The content of "New Blue Sun" feels more symbolically charged than shaped by traditional songcraft, reflecting an artist willing to depart from established forms and bravely delve into unexplored musical landscapes. The compositions resonate with emotional gravity, reminiscent of the minimalism found in the works of Philip Glass or Raymond Carver—every element is meticulously weighted, and themes are developed and expanded to uncover their emotional significance.

This project doesn't seek to replicate the instant appeal of André's history with OutKast; rather, it draws inspiration from the contemplative works of other ambient music creators and the curative harmonies of Alice Coltrane's spiritual journeys. By playing flutes and digital wind instruments, André conjures an echo that meanders between calming tunes, boisterous arrangements, and swells of vigorous chaos, sometimes invoking the soundscapes often associated with the Japanese composers of the 1980s.

The range of feelings conveyed on the album is vast, from the melancholic "Ninety Three 'Til Infinity and Beyoncé" to the more soothing "Ghandi Dalai Lama Your Lord & Savior J.C. / Bundy Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy," each offering a complex array of feelings spanning from peace to emotional turmoil. With "New Blue Sun," André 3000 demonstrates a willingness to step away from standard formats, showcasing a disciplined commitment to exploring unfamiliar musical domains and sculpting encounters with each piece that emphasizes a deep respect for the unconventional.

To some, the absence of André's signature voice may be jarring, yet the album asserts its uniqueness as a living, vibrant collection of tunes. It is a testament to the transformation of André, who is no longer bound by the typical expectations of commercial rap dominance and now gravitates toward a fusion of artistic expressions and tranquil jazz tunes, ultimately giving life to an album that is both personally genuine and artistically inventive.

Listeners who resonate with impromptu musical explorations and richly layered electronic modifications are likely to find "New Blue Sun" filled with joy and revelations. Each track adds to an assemblage that commands a complex interplay of raw and synthesized tones and textures, establishing an enclave for intensive listening. Those willing to engage deeply are rewarded with a nuanced and heartfelt auditory narrative.

This bold change of direction affirms André 3000 as not only a celebrated lyricist and emcee but also as a visionary musician capable of molding an expansive, defiant spectrum of sound with "New Blue Sun." The record substantiates itself as an aggregation of collective influences and artistic imagination and stands as a powerful symbol of an artist whose creations extend well beyond conventional confines, culminating into an experience that bridges the gap between the states of dreams and conscious presence.

"New Blue Sun" Tracklist:

  1. I Swear, I Really Wanted to Make a “Rap” Album but This Is Literally the Way the Wind Blew Me This Time
  2. The Slang Word P(*)ssy Rolls Off the Tongue With Far Better Ease Than the Proper Word Vagina. Do You Agree?
  3. That Night in Hawaii When I Turned Into a Panther and Started Making These Low Register Purring Tones That I Couldn’t Control … Sh¥t Was Wild
  4. BuyPoloDisorder’s Daughter Wears A 3000™ Button Down Embroidered
  5. Ninety Three ‘Til Infinity and Beyoncé
  6. Ghandi, Dalai Lama, Your Lord & Savior J.C. / Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and John Wayne Gacy
  7. Ants to You, Gods to Who?
  8. Dreams Once Buried Beneath the Dungeon Floor Slowly Sprout Into Undying Gardens
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