They Don't Know

Greg Gould THEY DON’T KNOW Lyrics

Greg Gould, 'Strings Attached', cover art
Information about the image
July 11, 2024



What happened to this place
There’s something going wrong here
But why do all the people pretend not to notice
They left without a trace, convinced they don't belong here
Fighting all the evil, defending their own
We are the only ones who see the difference we make


They don’t know
They don’t dream a future or so many things
Blood on our hands, on our hands
Can’t be washed away
They don’t know, we are one and the same


There’s nothing more to say
The emptiness surrounds me
How can we be so mindful
But yet so blind
We are the only ones who see the difference we make


They don’t know
They don’t dream a future or so many things
Blood on our hands, on our hands
Can’t be washed away
They don’t know, we are one and the same

Post Chorus

They don’t know, they don’t know
They don’t

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