Colombian-born, Naarm-based singer ALETHIA is known for her dreamy, sultry singing voice and powerful Latin-Soul music. On July 26th, she's unveiling her debut, self-titled album, 'ALETHIA'.
Having lived in Australia for 6 years now, ALETHIA has created a strong community around her. Over the years she has garnered attention with nominations for the Music Victoria Awards (2023), and the Latin Grammys and was featured in Rolling Stone AU/NZ in 2022 for her unique work which has now blossomed into this debut album release.
This album is a four-act tour guide through the human condition and the artist’s life while also moving through different genres: Roots, the first act, explores being born and learning to belong through Latin Pop. Moving to Reggae and R&B, Nostalgia dwells on the past, grateful for the experiences it offers. Love is a collection of Dub and Drum & Bass tracks that explore trust, connection, and self-love that’s crucial to navigating the world. The final act, Hope, has ALETHIA leaning into Psychedelic Rock and explores unity and the closing of the circle, appreciating the past, present, and anticipating the future. ALETHIA's dulcet, powerful tones hold the listener’s hand through it, giving the album the feel of a beautiful shared experience. ALETHIA states:
"We are all like butterflies emerging from cocoons. Life gifts us with diverse experiences that gradually reveal our true selves. Along the way, we encounter souls who reflect our light or shadows, guiding us toward healing and our authentic essence. It’s a metamorphosis into a unique being with a singular purpose and reason for existence. This journey, though challenging, ultimately connects us with our essence and our true language, love."
Roots is the first chapter of the album. With birdsong, melodic acoustic riffs, and echoey windlike instrumentals, 'Almita mia' opens the storybook that is this album. Written for the artist’s mother, this song expresses the purpose she’s found through her family. Following this, 'De Tu Mano' is a slow, folksy song with repetitive refrains and gentle steel guitar. Layered vocals blend with the instrumentals for a heavenly, dreamy tone. It explores the kind of love that encourages personal evolution. 'Mondero' is a song with a more indie edge to it, with electric guitar and the heavy beating of drums cradling ALETHIA's angelic voice. It reflects a first-time love and the evolution of relationships.
Nostalgia comes next, introducing 'To You'. This song features a suspenseful guitar riff, pounding drums, and a flourish of electronic beats to add an unexpected twist and capture the feeling of a well-established love unravelling. Then, 'Utopia' is coloured by horns, keys, and light, lilting vocals, that feels like an intimate conversation. Slowing things down is 'Once More', the bonus track, a jazzy number, evoking a sense of a singer in a bar dreaming of becoming a star, symbolising a new beginning, breaking away from old rules.
The penultimate act is Love, bringing a duo of songs. 'Don’t Let Me Down' is twinkling 140BPM Dub and electronic pop - a sultry, intimate love letter to herself; and 'Physical Form' a high-energy Drum & Bass tune, is an ode to physical love and expression through physical connection.
The finale is Hope, two songs drawing the album to a close. 'Falling' is packed with slow guitar jams and wistful vocals, the ebb and flow of the tune reflecting the ebb and flow of the universe. Finally, 'Oh Darling' is a demonstration of her singing style and incredible range, emotional and lovely, ending the album on an ethereal high. This song organically echoes a sound reminiscent of Pink Floyd.
Join ALETHIA on her journey through emotion in her self-titled debut album, which will be released on July 26. Then, on August 2 it will be launched at Melbourne's prestigious Athenaeum Theatre.
'ALETHIA' Album Launch
Friday, August 2 - Athenaeum Theatre, Melbourne | Tickets
'ALETHIA' Track List
1. Almita mia
2. De Tu Mano
3. Monedero
4. To you
5. Utopia
6. Once More
7. Don't Let Me Down
8. Physical Form
9. Falling
10. Oh Darling
Join ALETHIA on her journey through emotion in her self-titled debut album, which will be released on July 26. Then, on August 2 it will be launched at Melbourne's prestigious Athenaeum Theatre.
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