Today with third and final single "Proud" from The Clearwater Swimmers beautifully formed self-titled debut LP, out October 4 this year. Sumner Bright also just appeared on the "If It Be Your Will" podcast, doing a deeper dive into his creative path and the band's process in recording this debut album, all done in just a few intense days with producer Bradford Krieger.
Musings on self-destruction. A song about being stuck in a cycle of masochism, regret, and absolvement, and being unwilling to change despite the care and influence of the people around you.
Songwriter Sumner Bright has released solo music under the moniker "twitches" for a while, but it's rare for me to get a debut record like this one from a band with a sound that feels so lived-in and established. One writer I shared it with early called it "a distorto-Americana Galaxie 500" and I can't get that out of my head so I'm leaving it here for you. To me it recalls Ghosts of the Great Highway era Sun Kil Moon - melancholy, mysterious, capable of blown out electric guitars that don't break the mood, poised and distinctive vocals singing melodies that always feel a little bit elusive, like they're just smoke curling up from a fire.
Portland/NYC band The Clearwater Swimmers share new single "Proud" from debut self-titled record due Oct 4.
Clandestine was founded in 2010 by the owners of Northern Spy Records to help like-minded labels and artists release and promote their music. Today, we’ve expanded to include a team of project managers, sales experts, manufacturing specialists, and publicists who bring decades of music and label experience to bear for our clients. We specialize in the marketing and distribution of experimental and adventurous music and, in the last fourteen years, have helped release over one thousand albums.
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