Carrying another emotion-packed single, TYDE is returning with their latest genre-fluid song ‘Let The Dust Fall’, a cry out against the medical system, out on Friday November 15th.
Known for their genre-indefinable sound, blending of horns with bass and drums, and down-to-earth vibe, TYDE has been praised by Triple J, Triple J Unearthed, MILKY, AU Review, and more, and have performed all over Australia, from the Brisbane International Jazz Festival, BIGSOUND Side Party and other venues, to their successful East Coast and Victorian Alps Snow Tours.
With upcoming shows at The Brightside Brisbane, Distillery Road Markets, and the iconic and renowned Woodford Folk Festival, TYDE will be taking away the breath of live audiences with their awe-inspiring unified stage presence. Rostered for 5 shows there, they’re a valuable part of the Woodford lineup. Their upcoming debut EP will even be available for purchase as a CD there before it officially drops.
‘Let The Dust Fall’ is a mournful, bitter song with a unique rhythm, plucking strings, gentle vocals and an undeniable rage to it, born through the punchy sounds of drums, horns, and grungy guitar, yet it still manages to be soft and thoughtful. It weaves between major and minor, mirroring an emotional roller coaster between despondent and resentful.
Written after frontwoman Ella Belfanti’s horror-story experience with the medical system, ‘Let The Dust Fall’ bites into the neck of the pharmaceutical industry, exploring how doctors ignored her concerns and gaslit her, leading to severe topical steroid withdrawal that left her feeling at war with her own body.
“This song is about more than just my story - the medical system in its current form causes harm in so many areas by failing to look for root causes and preferencing bandaid solutions with side effects, and it leaves people feeling helpless… It also leaves people with a lot of frustration and anger and no way to hold anyone accountable for the harm done to them."
Don't be afraid to get angry to the tune of TYDE's 'Let The Dust Fall' when it releases on Friday, November 15th.
Upcoming shows:
Nov 21 - Brightside, Brisbane [Brisbane Single Launch/BAKE Showcase ft. Ari Isabella, Satin Soul + Sir Lennon ] [Tickets]
Nov 30 - Distillery Rd Markets, Logan [Free Entry]
Woodford Folk Festival
Dec 27 10:30pm - Pineapple Lounge
Dec 28 12:30am - Bazaar
Dec 30 4pm - Pineapple Lounge
Dec 31 11:30am - Pineapple Lounge
Jan 1 11:10pm - Pineapple Lounge
TYDE share impassioned masterpiece with single 'Let The Dust Fall'. Single out November 15.
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